Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Cocacola went totown, pepsi cola pushed him down. Dr.Pepper picked him up now we're drinking 7up. 7up fell off the mountain now were drinking out of the fountain. The fountain some how broke now were drinking cherry coke. Cherry coke lost the cherry now were drinking Logan Berry. Logan berry said oh dear now were drinking root beer. Root beer said no joke now were back to coke.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

funny pictures of cats

Awww they are so cute!


1. Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie.

2. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair,Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he?

3. A skunk sat on a stump. The stump thought the skunk stunk. The skunk thought the stump stunk . What stunk the skunk or the stump?

4. I thought a thought.But the thought I thought wasn't the thoughtI thought I thought.

5. Moses supposes his toeses are roses,but Moses supposes erroneously;for nobody's toeses are poses of roses,as Moses supposes his toeses to be.


Here is a quiz for you ENJOY!

1. Would you rather-

a. bungee jump off a cliff

b. shave your head bald

c. hula dance in public

d. eat jelly fish

2. What would you rather do for 5 hours strait on tv-

a. hula hoop

b. sing opera

c. oink like a pig

d. break dance in a sprinkler

3. do you love to eat-

a. shrimp

b. salad

c. icecream

d. eggplant

4. What is your favorite type of movie

a. comedy

b. romance

c. horror

d. anime

5. if you went to a remote island in the middle of nowhere and you could only bring 5 things would you bring-

a. your best friend, computer, favorite outfit, necklace, and puzzle

b. your favorite book, favorite shoes, earrings, paints, and paper

c. magic kit, knitting needle, yarn, pet, and favorite stuffed animal

d. your cellphone, Nintendo d.s., money, sleeping bag, and beach ball

Great job. Now if you chose mostly a. you are adventuras, and maybe girly

If you chose mostly b. you are wild, different, and unique

If you chose mostly c. you are a person who loves to perform in public and get lots of attention

If you chose mostly d. you are alot like me. You love fun things, and being random

Thanks for taking my quiz...... I hope you enjoyed it! Make sure to check out the rest of my blog. Thanks!


What I bought on EBAY 


ok i just love cupcakes so i hope you find this picture as sweet as I do.

Friday, September 19, 2008



I am a huge fan of american Idol. In case you dont know what american idol is, it's a singing compotition throughout the U.S.A. where people learn new songs in a week and then perform them.


Totoro! okay this is one of my FAVORITE movies! You should watch it if you love anime movies. It has alot of cute characters and is especially awesome for people with sisters. I don't have sisters but I still love the movie so I encourage you to watch it.


this panda is SO CUTE! Do you know pandas are closer to being endangered? So go ahead and help protect pandas! Pandas are to cool to be endangered. Thanks

my puppy riley

hi this is my puppy named riley. he is an awesome dog. He loves to bark alot (oh great), play fetch, and eat oranges. He knows how to shake, sit, and lie down.
HI! I have a cute Sheltie named Riley. He loves to bark, play fetch, and eat oranges. Here's a picture of him!


This butterfly is cool!This picture was taken when I went to outdoor school with my classmates. This was our camp instructor holding the butterfly. We learned all about animals and science, and we saw scorpions, some people saw rattlesnakes, and we saw owls and hawks up close.
Hi! Here is a list of fun sites that you should check out!










hi welcome to kendracherryberry's blog! I hope you enjoy your stay. I will try to make the BEST BLOG EVER! I will try to post at least 5 awesome posts each month. Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you come back soon! Chao!

green glass door

Ok hi again! This is a fun game that you can play with other people called the green glass door. It's a game where you chose a word to go through the green glass door. Only some words will work. The rule for this game is to chose a word with two of the same letters next to eachother like tree, puppy, cheese, moose, you get the picture. Anyway, you keep playing until someone can guess the rule. You should try it. It's fun to play on car trips and other things. Make sure you check out the rest of my blog. Thanks! -kendracherryberry